Passion Drives Innovation


Product Innovation

We know that Product Management has a wide spectrum of focus and activities, ranging from strategy to tactics. However, today fierce competition for choices exists among consumers. Product Managers must seriously consider and implement an experience-centered solution model. Forcing ourselves to create a holistic and connected view of the consumer. This continual focus on their experience will help drive real differentiation and innovation. Becoming owners and sustainers of all experiences - identifying a consumer's connections, understanding their patterns, building quick learning experimentations based on our assumptions, and pushing the baseline trajectories towards stronger growth and improved experiences will bring out the creative mindset in all teams driving value & innovation.    


UrHealth – Customer Journey 

Customer Insights

Wire-frame the Experience


Our decisions cannot be based on just gut and opinions, they have to be validated.  Opinions should be considered as feeders into a question bank for experiments that can be confirmed.  These experiments are crucial set of activities for product development and validating your customer understandings.  Customer's needs and journey can be significantly improved through experimentation.  For applying these techniques, we had to think like researchers and begin with broad open ended questions sparked by a problem statements that we desired to address.

Experimentation Interviews

Experimentation Results

Data-Driven and being Data-Led, is truly about having curious culture and techniques that can go about driving this within & throughout an organization.  We began collecting qualitative data from their customers and quantitative data from administrative layers within the organization.  We outlined a journey map based on data we collected.

Data Collection - Sampling

Qualitative Data 

Quantitative Data 

Experience-Driven Communities

Having a community vision can help your business pull together a team of like-minded people (partners, customers, supporters) on what the company is marching towards and creating differentiation in experience for all users. It used to be that online communities were formed to connect and support like-minded people to their issues. However, today when information is so prevalent, people do not take the actions of joining, participating, and contributing just because you are there. Communities can no longer be a conference room of only discussions, it needs to be a reference point, and we have to go further into experience-driven communities, building them around events and people.

At, we were able to relate patient's and family caretakers' needs, connecting their similarities in diagnoses and patients' challenges. Generalized physician conversations at hospitals were reduced, bringing more personalized goals to stabilize and recover a patient. Discussions began around events and targeted goals that family Care Team(s) could march towards 2 to 4 weeks out. The visible relief on family Care Team members - their stress and weight were evident, and members began to feel that their fears, challenges, and discomforts within their journey were being understood and being supported.

Many characteristics should be developed when building a community, however, our most significant learning was that "growth" within a community is based on 2 fundamental variables - consistency and trust in an expected experience.